Are you an INFJ?
INFJs are the rarest personality type and make up less than 1% of the population. They are known for being highly intuitive, intelligent, and emotionally sensitive.
Here are some facts about INFJ:
Fact no. 1
You are extremely observant. You notice things about people that others might not notice. You can spot the small details that other people miss.
Fact no. 2
They have a great sense of humor. Their sense of humor is unique and fun to be around because they have such a dry wit and can see things from an unusual perspective.
Fact no. 3
They love to learn new things. They are always reading books, watching documentaries, or learning new things on their own time.
Fact no. 4
They often find themselves thinking about future events in their lives or what will happen next week or next year.
This leads to a lot of worries and stress for them if they let it go unchecked, but it also helps them prepare for what’s coming next so that they can be ready when it happens!